Writing that tells a story...
I am a published writer that creates a platform for voices to be uplifted that edify others and the community. 

Alverno at Work: Marquita Taylor, PhD

Marquita Taylor ‘09, PhD, had to fight to make room for herself. Now, she fights to make room for others.

The Difference Makers

As a neighborhood engagement specialist at Milwaukee’s Urban Ecology Center, Denise Renteria ’20 has come to see how political decisions impact our daily lives and spur action by everyday citizens, such as working for environmental justice.

Una Defensora de las Mujeres

“Lo hago porque mi trabajo desafiante me ha llevado a este momento de éxito”.

How I Got Ready: Madai's Story

Alverno’s hands-on learning experience helped Madai Romero choose marketing as her career path.

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